The most precise location for your prospecting
When the Nova pulse detects a metallic object, it immediately goes to localization. Thus, by slow swinging movement above the object in question, it will find the exact position. You then need to gradually reduce the point of disturbance by slowly rotating the metal detector onto it from different directions. Subsequently, an audible signal sounds to tell you precisely the position of the object as well as its size. The Pulse Nova’s precise detection is breathtaking. The Pulse Nova is different from other detection instruments.
The advantages of this metal detector
The PI Pulse Nova metal detector comes with a large Omega38 or Delta38 search coil. It is perfect for treasure hunts. It is also ideal for military research.
Additionally, the search coil of the Pulse Nova is waterproof. So you can use it in shallow water.
Each reel has its own particularities, which is a real advantage for better expanding your research.
The advantage of the small coil is that its small size allows it to generate a small magnetic field. So you can achieve a small search depth. It can detect small objects like gold nuggets that the large coil might have missed. Regarding the frame, it is used without a telescopic rod. It covers approximately 1 m² of covered area, so it is possible to obtain a magnetic field of the same size. So it only detects large objects. Additionally, you can reach the maximum search depth easily.