Cavity detector
A cavity detector is a tool designed to locate forgotten underground spaces such as tunnels, cellars, old trenches, catacombs, burial chambers, etc. Nowadays, there are detectors using two types of technology on the market. The first is based on seismic measurement while the second uses geoelectric measurement.
Seismic or geoelectric measurement
Certain detectors ensure the prospection of these cavities thanks to a specific technology based on the capacity of sound waves to undergo refractions. This is called seismic measurement. Another method is based on geoelectric measurement, which analyzes the resistance of the subsoil and possibly detects the presence of water. Whether you are looking for an old underground tunnel, an old cellar or a World War I trench … chances are you are going to use these techniques. Besides, you don’t always have to go far to uncover really interesting curiosities.
Cavity detector: the ally of geologists and archaeologists
Are you a professional on a geological mission or a digger who scours archaeological sites? In this case, you undoubtedly know the exceptional specifications of the latest generation professional devices? These detectors are indeed able to carry out extremely precise seismic or geoelectric measurements. But even if you are an amateur prospector looking for cavities, crypts and bunkers or metallic objects, you can also take advantage of these technologies thanks to the increasing democratization of these cavity detectors. Have you discovered an old document indicating the presence of a burial chamber buried under a church? Or were you told about a bunker where people from your village took refuge during the war? Exploring these buried remains is yours … The basements of our regions are full of treasures and traces of our history.