Native gold detector: go in search of precious native gold
Looking for a native gold detector? This specific type of gold is difficult to unearth, so you need the right equipment for this kind of prospecting. That’s why Inventum Detector has decided to market detectors suitable for this kind of research.
Why use Inventum Detector?
To begin with, Inventum Detector is a distributor of detectors of all kinds. No matter what kind of prospecting equipment you’re looking for, there’s a good chance we’ve got just what you’re looking for. What’s more, we offer the right detectors for native gold exploration. You can find native gold in many countries, including Congo, Soudou and Mauritania. Inventum Detector would like to point out that we are available to provide you with expert advice via this
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Discover our native gold detector ranges
First of all, if you’re looking for native gold. Inventum Detector has designed a unique detector for you. Indeed, the
allows you to find out if the soil you’re standing on contains native gold. This is thanks to its live soil analysis. All you have to do is fill the container with soil from the area you’re in, and it takes care of the analysis. It will then show you on your screen whether or not the soil is rich in gold, in other words, whether it is auriferous. Thanks to this innovative technology, you won’t have to waste time on gold-poor terrain. And you can only start panning for gold if it makes sense to do so. The
is a quality device with several operating modes for easy gold panning.
Inventum Detector also recommends that you consult the following articles:
For further information or details on our products. Or if you still have questions about our services. You can contact Inventum Detector via
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